The Regional Aarhus Centre Subotica supports and promotes the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in the respective region, in Northern Serbia.
At the initiative of Association TERRA’S and with OSCE support, the Centre was established with a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Environment, the City of Subotica and the Open University.
The Regional Aarhus Centre Subotica currently employs one professional and its four volunteers are actively involved in the activities of this Centre. In addition to their daily on-duty at the Centre, they are also involved in the implementation of public campaigns and updating data on the website.
The goals of the Regional Aarhus Centre Subotica are to establish and maintain sound cooperation between the local self-government and citizens, in order to ensure better and informed communication and knowledge, which will contribute to proactive involvement in the decision making process and facilitate the implementation of democratic processes in the area of protection and advancement of life environment in our country. Our work is particularly focused on a wider involvement of the environmental organisations in the initiating and decision-making process, as well as the institutional reinforcement of local self-government through the improved organisation and coordination between the local administration and the public.
The Centre is open for citizens on all weekdays. Complaints can be received by mail or e-mail. It has a library with environmental titles, laws and regulations in this area. Citizens may use internet to search for information about environmental protection and leaflets and other types of educational material are also available at the Centre (in Serbian and Hungarian language). Cooperation with local media is good, so all the activities have good media coverage.