Arhus centri Crna Gora
Aarhus Centre Berane
Црна Гора
Activities: General support to the implementation of the Aarhus Convention, Environmental legislation, Access to information, Environmental impact assessment
Aarhus Centre Niksic
Црна Гора
Activities: General support to the implementation of the Aarhus Convention
Aarhus Centre Podgorica
Црна Гора
Activities: General support to the implementation of the Aarhus Convention
U Crnoj Gori aktivna su tri Arhus centra. Centri u Podgorici i Nikšiću otvoreni su 2011. godine, a godinu dana kasnije otvoren je centar u Beranama. Bave se jačanjem partnerstava između civilnog društva, vlade i drugih zainteresovanih strana radi podsticanja primene Arhuske konvencije.